Crossover Install Msi File


Provides the means to install, modify, and perform operations on Windows Installer from the command line.

Crossover Install Msi File

Once Wine is installed, you can simply double click an.exe or.msi file to run it. If this doesn't work for some reason, right-click the file and select 'Open With Wine Windows Program Loader'. If this doesn't work for some reason, right-click the file and select 'Open With Wine Windows Program Loader'.

See full list on Launch Crossover by double-clicking on the Crossover icon in your Applications folder. Imvu update 2014. Click the Install a Windows Application button. Select Other Application under the Unsupported Applications. Aug 02, 2021 Then I tried choco install -install-arguments='CUSTOMPARAM1='', but with this approach the package does get installed but the parameters weren't passed to the MSI installer. I searched for some kind of docs related to -install-arguments such as the format that it expects (e.g. Quotes, = or:, etc.) but didn't find.

Install options

Set the install type for launching an installation package.



/iSpecifies normal installation.
/aSpecifies administrative installation.
/juAdvertise the product to the current user.
/jmAdvertise the product to all users.
/j/gSpecifies the language identifier used by the advertised package.
/j/tApplies transform to the advertised package.
/xUninstalls the package.
<path_to_package>Specifies the location and name of the installation package file.



To install a package named example.msi from the C: drive, using a normal installation process, type:

Display options

You can configure what a user sees during the installation process, based on your target environment. For example, if you're distributing a package to all clients for manual installation, there should be a full UI. However, if you're deploying a package using Group Policy, which requires no user interaction, there should be no UI involved.



<path_to_package>Specifies the location and name of the installation package file.
/quietSpecifies quiet mode, which means there's no user interaction required.
/passiveSpecifies unattended mode, which means the installation only shows a progress bar.
/qnSpecifies there's no UI during the installation process.
/qn+Specifies there's no UI during the installation process, except for a final dialog box at the end.
/qbSpecifies there's a basic UI during the installation process.
/qb+Specifies there's a basic UI during the installation process, including a final dialog box at the end.
/qrSpecifies a reduced UI experience during the installation process.
/qfSpecifies a full UI experience during the installation process.
  • The modal box isn't shown if the installation is cancelled by the user. You can use qb+! or qb!+ to hide the CANCEL button.


To install package C:example.msi, using a normal installation process and no UI, type:

Restart options

If your installation package overwrites files or attempts to change files that are in use, a reboot might be required before the installation completes.



<path_to_package>Specifies the location and name of the installation package file.
/norestartStops the device from restarting after the installation completes.
/promptrestartPrompts the user if a reboot is required.
/forcerestartRestarts the device after the installation completes.


To install package C:example.msi, using a normal installation process with no reboot at the end, type:

Logging options

If you need to debug your installation package, you can set the parameters to create a log file with specific information.



/iSpecifies normal installation.
/xUninstalls the package.
<path_to_package>Specifies the location and name of the installation package file.
/liTurns on logging and includes status messages in the output log file.
/lwTurns on logging and includes non-fatal warnings in the output log file.
/leTurns on logging and includes all error messages in the output log file.
/laTurns on logging and includes information about when an action started in the output log file.
/lrTurns on logging and includes action-specific records in the output log file.
/luTurns on logging and includes user request information in the output log file.
/lcTurns on logging and includes the initial UI parameters in the output log file.
/lmTurns on logging and includes out-of-memory or fatal exit information in the output log file.
/loTurns on logging and includes out-of-disk-space messages in the output log file.
/lpTurns on logging and includes terminal properties in the output log file.
/lpTurns on logging and includes terminal properties in the output log file.
/lvTurns on logging and includes verbose output in the output log file.
/lpTurns on logging and includes terminal properties in the output log file.
/lxTurns on logging and includes extra debugging information in the output log file.
/l+Turns on logging and appends the information to an existing log file.
/l!Turns on logging and flushes each line to the log file.
/l*Turns on logging and logs all information, except verbose information (/lv) or extra debugging information (/lx).
<path_to_logfile>Specifies the location and name for the output log file.


To install package C:example.msi, using a normal installation process with all logging information provided, including verbose output, and storing the output log file at C:package.log, type:

Update options

You can apply or remove updates using an installation package.




/pInstalls a patch. If you're installing silently, you must also set the REINSTALLMODE property to ecmus and REINSTALL to ALL. Otherwise, the patch only updates the MSI cached on the target device.
/updateInstall patches option. If you're applying multiple updates, you must separate them using a semi-colon (;).
/packageInstalls or configures a product.


Where the first GUID is the patch GUID, and the second one is the MSI product code to which the patch was applied.

Repair options

You can use this command to repair an installed package.



/fpRepairs the package if a file is missing.
/foRepairs the package if a file is missing, or if an older version is installed.
/feRepairs the package if file is missing, or if an equal or older version is installed.
/fdRepairs the package if file is missing, or if a different version is installed.
/fcRepairs the package if file is missing, or if checksum does not match the calculated value.
/faForces all files to be reinstalled.
/fuRepairs all the required user-specific registry entries.
/fmRepairs all the required computer-specific registry entries.
/fsRepairs all existing shortcuts.
/fvRuns from source and re-caches the local package.


To force all files to be reinstalled based on the MSI product code to be repaired, {AAD3D77A-7476-469F-ADF4-04424124E91D}, type:


Set public properties

You can set public properties through this command. For information about the available properties and how to set them, see Public Properties.

Additional References

The @ is only used if you have a text file of computer names that you want to run the command against, in which case you would use 'psexec @computers.txt blah blah'. By using the @, psexec is looking for a text file called 'remotecomputername' which is why it returns the error, 'The system cannot find the file specified.'

In your example, replace the @ with and it should work for you.

Also, if you are running the command in a different folder than the list of machines, you would include the full path; for example:

See Full List On

psexec @c:tempcomputers.txt blah blah